¿Le duele la rodilla después de un accidente automovilístico?

Deje que los profesionales de Accident Centers of Texas traten eficazmente su lesión Las lesiones de rodilla se encuentran entre los tipos de traumatismos más frecuentes sufridos en un accidente automovilístico. Sus rodillas pueden torcerse o hiperextenderse, o pueden sufrir lesiones debido al contacto de fuerza contundente con el tablero, el panel lateral o incluso…

Headaches and Neck Pain after a Car Accident

The Common Symptoms of Whiplash When you’ve been in a car crash, even if the impact was at a relatively low speed, you may suffer headaches or neck pain in the hours, days and weeks after the collision. In many instances, those are symptoms of whiplash, one of the most common injuries suffered in motor…

Experiencing Knee Pain after a Car Accident?

Let the Professionals at Accident Centers of Texas Effectively Treat Your Injury Knee injuries are among the most frequent types of trauma suffered in an automobile wreck. Your knees may get twisted or hyperextended, or may suffer injury through blunt force contact with the dashboard, side panel or even the airbag. In the process, many…

Knee, Leg, and Ankle Pain After a Car Accident

The Common-Lower Body Injuries Suffered in Motor Vehicle Accidents It’s long been known that many common injuries sustained in car and truck accidents involve the hips, legs, knees, and ankles. In fact, as motor vehicles have become safer, the relative rates of lower-extremity injuries have gone up. Safety experts say that the reduced incidence of…

Is Soreness “Normal” After a Car Accident

When Should You Seek Treatment for Pain or Discomfort After a Motor Vehicle Accident? You may be in a motor vehicle accident and feel nothing more than a bit of soreness. But how much soreness is normal after a car crash? When is soreness a potential indicator of a more serious injury? Some Soreness Is…

Minimizing Back Pain While Working from Home

Keeping Your Back Healthy when Working From Home If we’ve learned anything from the pandemic, we’ve learned that many of us can successfully work from home, using our devices and computers to accomplish the tasks we used to complete in the office. While working from home can offer many conveniences, it can also put us…